Oh J.J. Abrams. I can't help but watch anything and everything that he has a part in, so of course I went to see the new film Super 8. I was actually not sure what to expect from this film, as the only thing I knew about the film before seeing it was that it has something to do with a group of kids filming a short film, some sort of supernatural monster and a water tower. I also knew that Andrew Kramer had helped do the visual effects for the film, so lets just say I was expecting a lot in the visual effects department. I personally have to say that the effects were AWESOME!!! and that I would recommend this film to someone just for the effects. There were some areas that were lacking in my opinion, however. The story was good, but as the movie progressed I kept thinking that the movie was going in one direction only to discover that the plot took a new turn (although with J.J. Abrams, I guess that is to be expected.)
Story/Plot: 8/10
Acting/Cast: 8/10
Effects/Visuals: 9/10
Music: 8.5/10
OVERALL: 33.5/40 - 83.75%
UPDATE AS OF 12/19/2014
The verdict?
Pretty damn good / Recommend Heartily
8 out of 10