Monday, September 9, 2013

of caffeine and people

An addiction not only for the caffeine, but for the people, I sit for hours at the local coffee shop, sipping my iced brew thinking about how wonderful it would be to be able to sit here forever, bright, happy waves of sunlight cascading through the window as the sun sets behind the skyline. Bittersweet has never been quite so poignant. Why, I don’t know. All I know is that everyone here has a story. I don’t want to know what it is, because that would take away the mystery. I like not knowing. That way I can create my own story for them. Create a world where people live their lives, and come in for coffee in the afternoon. Paths crossing, sometimes never to cross again, sometimes to cross every afternoon at the same time, some crossing now, and then again years later, in another place, at another moment in time. That is the addiction, I think. Then again, the coffee is pretty good.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


So, I recently moved to a new department at work, and I am enjoying learning new skills, however I cannot help but wish I was back in my old department. I am now in charge of the money, and the stress is actually not that big a deal. I find myself at about the same stress level as before. However I just don't like it! I don't like numbers, counting, or being stuck in a room for my whole shift. I love the experience, and appreciate that my boss trusts me enough to put me in charge of all our money, but I just can't seem to get hooked on this new department!

So, do any of you guys have any experience with this  type of circumstance? If so, any advice is welcome. Thanks!

Monday, August 12, 2013

I am already failing + mechanical keyboard

Yes, yes, I know, my daily blog posting idea has already failed. I have gone so long without you, dear reader, and I must apologize! O.K, so 4 days is not TOO long, but none the less, I did say that I wanted to do a DAILY blog, and alas, I have not.

On another note, I am eagerly expecting the arrival of a new keyboard, a mechanical keyboard to be exact. I have heard many good things about mechanical keyboards and so I am excited to try this one out! I will let you know soon how it works.

I will try to keep up with this blog, and we shall see where things go!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good Morning

So, I have recently began a very strange sleep pattern, wherein I sleep for most of the day, and am ip most of the night. For example, I am awake now (7:13am) and have yet to go to sleep for the night!

Healthy? Probably not, however I do tend to get in between 8 and 12 hours of sleep per day, so I am not sure how my body is reacting physically to these bizarre sleep patterns.

I am going to get hit hard when school starts back up in 3 weeks.

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


So, my mom is one of those people who has almost no faith in humanity. Everyone out past 11:00 PM is a crook, up to no good or homeless. She believes in a lot of generalizations and stereotypes, specifically the negative ones, and she is quick to see the bad side of people.

I, on the other hand, am almost the complete opposite. Of course, there are times when I find myself falling into the stereotypical trap, but overall, I am the person who, when she sees someone out walking at 2:00 AM, says "they could just be walking to get some exercise because they are night owls and cant sleep."

I am also a believer in the goodness of humanity. I am only suspicious when given a reason to be. Down the road, this may just bite me in the ass, but I would rather get hassled by one criminal than treat everyone who is male, mid 20's and has tattoos as a dirty rotten scoundrel.

What are your thoughts? Do you see the world like my mom? Like me? I am curious to know what you guys think, how to determine if someone is suspicious and what actions to you take? Let me know!



I changed my mind

I decided to go with a different challenge, a blog a day, rather than 1000 words a week. This seems easier to keep track of. Sound good? OK Lets do this!



Words Number A Thousand

I have decided to set myself a challenge. I hereby declare that I will write 1,000 words per week on this blog, keeping in mind of course, that I am generally lazy and may skip a day here and there. Also a picture is worth 1,000 words, so you may be seeing a lot of photographs here on my blog in the future.

So for today, I will begin by explaining where I have been for the past 10 months. God damn I have been gone a while, almost a whole year. Well, without sounding like a load of excuses, I have been busy, tired, overworked for just above minimum wage, tired, at school, tired, doing homework for school, etc. You know, the usual excuses for not keeping up to date on a blog. At any rate, I have recently begun thinking about writing as a potential career, or at least a side career, and I thought what better way to get some practice than by blogging! So here I am. Ready to write up a storm here on the old blog, and in addition to this, I will be posting more on my YouTube channel, which can be found here.

Suggestions for writing? Just leave a comment and I may just write about something you suggest. Thanks, and I will talk to you tomorrow, or later today, or Friday.



Thursday, August 1, 2013