I often do film, music and TV reviews here, and as such have decided to create this post to explain my process. First, I will look at 1 main thing in whatever it might be I am reviewing. Did I personally, enjoy it. Yes, as with all reviews, the verdict will inevitably be based on my own taste and knowledge, however I do my best to explain my reasoning for those who care.
I also use a rating system that is a scale of 1 to 10, however I will almost never give anything a 1 or a 10. I will never give anything a 1 because no matter how I feel about something, someone put a lot of time and effort into creating it, and as such I do not believe it is really worth so little.
I will almost never give a 10 because I believe that everything can be improved upon and even the best art can someday lead to even better art. If you see me give something a 10, GO BUY/WATCH/LISTEN to that thing IMMEDIATELY!!!
One note is that, to keep myself from going insane and to make everything a little more even, I will only give whole number scores. No 6.5 or 7.3 bullshit. Basically, I will give something a score of 2 through 9 and rarely, very rarely, a 10.
Scoring is as such:
2 to 4 = Not Worth It
5 to 6 = Average / Worth Experiencing
7 to 8 = Pretty damn good / Recommend Heartily
9 to 10 = Amazing / Must Experience ASAP
As with all my posts, feel free to comment with any questions you might have.