Remember that long ago time in an age long past when a young whippersnapper of a college student started this thing called a "blog" on the interwebs? That lad was, for all intents and purposes, dedicated to creating an interesting, stimulation collection of entries focusing on a wide variety of topics, discussions and ideas. That was this blog, and believe it or not, I am, indeed, that person.

First, let's examine who I am now. I recently graduated from university, which is a huge achievement and I am extremely proud of that accomplishment, and thankful to so many people who helped me through the process - especially my fantastic parents who were there for me through the entire process.
Now that I am a "free" person for the first time since first grade, I am really enjoying life. Sure there are struggles and issues that have come up that I have had to work through, but I am now at a point in my life where I can really begin to start working on my future and begin the process of figuring out what my calling may be.
But what does all this mean for you, dear reader? Well, I shall enlighten you! My blog will become the pseudo "hub" of my internet presence, from which you will be able to access all of my internet sites, like YouTube, Twitter, etc.
But what this also means is that I want this blog to be active. Because my goal is to make this the hub of my little network of websites and social media outlets, I really want this to be a full fledged blog, with regular content and consistent posts. So, because of that, I have decided to create a challenge for myself, namely to post at least 1 post here per week. Perhaps a review, perhaps an update, or perhaps a short story. Really, the point is to build and shape this blog into a kaleidoscope of content that reflects me and my personality.
So please, join me on this journey to create a new and improved blog experience. We will create some content and tell some stories, which is really what this place called the internet is all about.
Thank you, and I will talk to you soon.