Friday, June 22, 2012


Summer is a supposed to be fun, relaxing, and peacefull, right? Well, while mine is fun (ish) so far, it is severely lacking in the latter 2 ideals of what summer should be like. I am doing an internship for 15 hours a week, 2 online classes, working and trying to keep up on my YouTube channels and this blog. Add to that a potential tutoring job and you have a chaotic summer that is ever so busy.

But like I said, my summer so far is going well, and I generally enjoy the different things that I am doing. I would like to get a website up and running if at all possible, so we'll see how that goes, but for now, I wish you all a terrific rest of the summer! :D

Friday, June 1, 2012


This month I hope to be much more active here on my blog. I would like to start posting stuff about design, as well as more writing projects that I undertake. I will hopefully serenade you with design, short stories and videos on my YouTube Channels. I think June will be a great month, and I wish you all a superb summer.

Talk soon,