Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thoughts about Life (Part 1?)

I was looking back at some of my very first YouTube uploads and realized that my first gaming video is almost 6 months old. Time really does fly, it would seem. As I was thinking about all this, I decided to do more of what I love, and less of what I, well, don't love. I also began thinking about the things that I am doing, and where I am headed in life, or at least, the near future. I don't really love all that much. Not saying, of course, that I don't love anything, but the things that I do love are few and far between. I don't think anyone should ignore something they truly enjoy if they come across it, especially if those encounters don't come all that often.

But what do I mean by all this? Well, I am currently enrolled in college, and can't help thinking that it is just not something I enjoy. Yes, I am putting up with it for now, but only because it will, if all goes well, lead to something better. But the ridicules amount of seemingly useless classes is bogging me down. I love learning and knowledge, but college is just not my cup of tea. I do however; need a college degree to do something I do love for a living. Or do I?

Now, before I go on, let me just say. I am not suggesting that I will drop out of college, but I am simply at a point in my life where I am realizing that life is short, and should be lived to the fullest. I want to do things that I love, not things that I can nearly tolerate. But this IS life in 21st century America, and thus, I will have to do things that I don't really care for, but why should the majority of my life be filled with mediocre tasks that, overall, I could not care less about?

And now the most difficult question of all. What do I love? For each and every person on the planet, the answer to this question will be different. For me, it boils down to two things. Do I look forward to doing something almost all the time, and wish that I could be doing it even when doing something else? And, can someone else have an effect on it. When all is said and done, I can think of only a small group of things that I can say I truly love. Design is, of course, one of them. Especially type. I am always looking at ads and posters and thinking to myself, "how did they get that effect," or "I wonder what typeface that is." Another love is video making. Not necessarily the finished result, but the entire process from the conception of an idea to the final stages of editing. That is why I make YouTube videos. Those two things are really the things I love.

Is it odd to have such a short list? Maybe. But I long ago accepted the fact that I am a little odd. I mean, I like a fair amount of things, but those are the only two that I can safely say, "yes, I will do that until I die." I don't think many people would say that about many of the things they do. And of course, hobbies change, likes and dislikes change, but as of right now, it seems as though I need to devote more time to the things I love, rather than things that I don't love.

What I really want to say in this post is that when you come across something that you love, don't pass it by. Don't drift through life like you are traversing a wide open plane, with not too much difficulty, but also, not too much great. Rather, climb mountains and take chances. You will fall, and you will wander into a valley every now and then. But at the end of the day, a life without the things you love isn't really worth it. You may struggle with things you absolutely hate, but in the end, as long as you are true to yourself and do the things that you love, the good will always get you through the bad. Take chances for the things that you love.

I can't imagine many people will read this, and these are simply my thoughts on life, as I am currently in a situation where I am dissatisfied with the way things are going in my life. I want to be doing the things that I love, but am somehow always devoting my time to school. Again, I love learning, but what cost does college have verses the benefits. Just some thoughts.

I hope the select few who read this will take some of the information to heart, and start searching for something that you love doing. I don't know what that will be for you, but I hope that you will be able to find it. Life is short, and the people we meet, the things we do, they all, in the end, don't really matter. So we might as well live life to the fullest, and embrace it for what it is. A time to explore who we are, and what we love doing. I guess the best way to put it is to love life, because sooner or later, we wont be here anymore. We might as well make the most of the time that we have.

"To life, and finding the things you love"

- David

Friday, November 4, 2011

Now It's Rainy and Sad.

As we make our way into November, the weather has made the switch from Summer to Winter. What do I mean by this? Well, where I live, there is really no Spring or Fall, juts Summer (hot, dry, etc.) and Winter (Cold, Wet, etc.) I, being the summer person that I am, have always enjoyed the transition into winter, but at the same time, I can't help but wish it was still warm and dry outside.

This becomes especially apparent when it starts to rain. I dislike the rain, not for any reason in particular, I just think it's rather annoying to have to deal with. (Now that I think about it though, that really IS a particular reason.) Anyways, I have become used to this feeling I get every fall of a sort of sadness, but it is countered by another, almost cozy feeling, like I can just huddle up with a blanket, some hot chocolate and a good book, and be transported to another world altogether.

All in all, I like and dislike the winter weather simultaneously, but I think the good outweighs the bad and, when all is said and done, I think the winter/fall season is one of the most exciting times of the year.