Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I am tiredness and such things as these and such

I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired.

Yes, yes indeed. I am ready for next week off! I need to catch up on some sleep! I will write a full blog post on what I have been doing this summer sometime next week, and let you all know what my experience has been. Despite the tiredness, there is a lot of great things about this job, so I will elaborate after the completion of work this Friday (2 days and counting!)

Talk soon,
- Digit

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Plan + About Monday...

Hello! The first thing that I want to do is talk about yesterday. Yah, sorry about the short, useless post but I felt weird not posting anything, so I decided to do a short post just to let you know that I have not forgotten.

With that out of the way, however, it is time to talk about a plan. Yes, a plan. You see, for the past few weeks (about 7 weeks, to be exact) I have been working as an overnight camp instructor at a great technology summer camp and I have been having a blast. That being said, I have literally no time, no life and am 100% exhausted 100% of the time. For that reason, I am not able to dedicate the time that I would like to things like this blog, or my YouTube channel.

But, this is week 7, and thus is the end of the summer. So, I will shortly be having a bit more time to put into developing my internet presence, specifically the "This is Digit" and "Daily Digit" brands. So, I have devised a plan of attack for next week, as well as the near future.

O.K. First off, I am notorious for NOT adhering to a schedule, so I will not make one. I will instead create a template or outline that I will use to guide me in my creative process. So, Monday through Friday, I will be posting here on the Daily Digit, as it is really quite therapeutic and I have really enjoyed it thus far.

Over on the YouTube, I will be posting 2 videos per week, with the potential for more. However, 2 is the number that I will be aiming for. As far as the blog posts for those days, they will relate to the video posted, and if a video goes up on a weekend day, there will be an extra blog post for that week.

So that is my plan going forward, and I am really excited to get under way.

Also, fear not, as I will post again really soon about music, so expect that.

Thanks so much, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

- Digit

Monday, July 28, 2014

Too Tired

Hello all. I am too tired to write anything intelligent tonight, so I will talk to you all tomorrow. Thanks,

Friday, July 25, 2014

Ahh, rest.

I am coming off a week of really tiring work, and there is something to be said for simply being able to sit back, relax and watch a video or two, without knowing that you have to wake up in the morning. I dislike morning time not because of the fact that is is morning. But more because it is the beginning of the day, whereas evening is the end.

Now, you might be asking yourself, "Why does he like the end more than the beginning?" Well, because the end is the culmination and conclusion to the story, or in this case, the day. The morning is great, because it starts off everything, but the evening and night are my favorite because they are the times when the world is asleep (Not literally, of course, due to the Earths rotation and such, but you get the point.)

This magical time when you are the only person crazy enough to be awake is one of my favorite feelings. To take a walk at 2 AM is an experience like none other. But there is another reason that I love the night time, and that is because it is a time of sleep and rejuvenation. I love sleep, and the night is generally when sleep happens.

So yah, the nighttime, and rest, are pretty darn awesome!

Thanks for reading, have a great weekend and I will talk to you on Monday.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Live Music

I know that in this world of perfection, we can often lose our appreciation for really good live music. I have been thinking a lot about this lately, as I myself have looked at different show tickets for some of my favorite artists and thought, "But that is so expensive, I can just listen to their album." But what is lost, you might ask, by listening to music solely on a digital disk or the internet?

This is a question that I have been asking myself recently. When listening to music on the web or in a polished, well produced medium, we hear exactly what the artist and production team want for us to hear, right? Well, yes, but we also lose the chance to see AND hear that song. Sometimes I wonder if the real experience IS to see that song preformed live. There is no false sense of perfection, and there is no disconnect between the artist and the listener. So, maybe the real experience is the live performance, and not the finished track.

I know that shows are expensive and that they require far more effort on your part to actually drive to a venue, find a parking space, actually get tickets, and all the rest that goes with a live show. But even that is part of the experience. That, I think, is the real difference. When listening to a song on a CD or YouTube, you get just that, a song, not an experience.

That is my thought process, anyways. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quick Update and a Song

I am typing with no idea what to type about. So, lets begin, shall we? Ok. Welcome to Wednesday! I know this is being posted late, but I have had a rather hectic day. I currently work as a camp counselor, and as such I work with kids. Almost all the time, they are great, but with each week comes a new group of kids, and lets just say that every now and then, you get a few, well, difficult ones.

This week is no exception, and sadly, there is more than one. Because of this, I am extremely stressed and tired and exasperated at the end of every day, an therefor cannot really think straight. This blog is actually helpful, as I am able to combobulate my thoughts and get them out to the world. So for those of you reading this who would rather just jam out to some music or, in other words, forget about this somewhat downer of a blog post, here is a video you can check out. Thanks for reading and I will talk to you tomorrow.

- Digit

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lyrics and Melody

I realize this may get a bit personal, as in my opinion, music says a lot about people, especially when the lyrics really hit home. For me, music is mostly about melody and sound, and the lyrics and meaning come secondary. But lets all be honest, the really great songs do both really well. But therein lies the issue, because not everyone will have the same musical taste, and not everyone will have the life experiences required to relate to any given set of lyrics.

This is an issue that I run across often, because I listen to so much music. I often listen to a song that really speaks to me, but musically is just not quite there. The opposite is also true, and there are some great songs out there that have a really great beat, but the lyrics are not relatable. So, I am always excited and impressed when I hear a song that meets both requirements.

Florrie is a British singer who has a fairly small discography, and as such, it is rather unlikely that I would stumble across her music. But I did, and, well, wow. Her first single is a song called "Little White Lies," and here is where it gets a bit personal, because the lyrics speak to me on an almost personal level. No idea how she is able to capture all of that in a song, but she has. At any rate, if your personality is anything like mine, you will easily relate to the lyrics.

The tune is also stellar, and that is a potent combination in a song. Lets just say that I currently have the song on repeat as I type this very blog!

So enjoy, dear readers, and also get a small insight into my own psyche. Thank you so much for reading, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

- Digit

Monday, July 21, 2014

I almost forgot this one!

I really just blanked on one important fact relating to this blog. It is, in fact, Monday, a day on which I am to post to the daily digit! At least, it is according to my own rules. At any rate, I guess I am still stuck in the weekend, as I completely forgot! But not all is lost, as I remembered in time, as as such, here we are!

Today, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind for a few days. That is, the school season. For some reason, I am oddly excited for the fall semester to start at my university, and I think that the reason for that is three fold. First, and perhaps most importantly, the classes that I am taking, while potentially difficult, are all in all, quite fun classes. Or at least, they should be, given I have a decent professor who actually tries! But that is only one reason. There are a few more as to why I am so excited.

Another reason for my seemingly baseless excitement for the return to school is the fact that I only have one year left. What! You might ask! Yes, only one year or two more semesters and I am done with by Bachelors degrees. Insert excitement here! I am stoked to be finally finishing up with a degree that has been five years in the making. Yes, I beat around the bush at community college, taking random classes at first to test the waters and see what I enjoyed doing. But still, I am ready to be out of school, at least for a while. I may go back in the future and get a masters, but well see.

And finally, the last reason that I am excited to return to the classroom is the fact that I will get to be back on a college campus. I am not sure about you all, but for me, a college campus is a magical place of learning and knowledge, and the peace and quite one can find on campus can be one of the most relaxing and tranquil experiences ever! Yes, I know I am a little odd!

At any rate, I am excited to pick up the books, pack the bags, and hunker down for the last two semesters of college. I wont be sad to leave, but I am not all that sad to stay, either.

Thanks for reading, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Christina Novelli

Oh, YouTube, you have a persistent need to introduce me to new and interesting artists. I am not faulting YouTube in any way, far from it, in fact. I am one who, lets be honest, tends to listen to music more than is really ever required, and my musical taste is really quite boundless. Yes, there are tracks by certain artists that I am less than fond of, but by and large, I love almost every kind of music.

Therefor, it should come as no surprise that when YouTube and other sites offer me suggested music or music videos to listen to or watch respectively, I jump at the opportunity to potentially discover a new favorite artists, or at least, to hear a song that I think, wow, that was worth it.

This time, however, I did not just listen and think, wow, that was worth it. I listened to several songs, several times, and am doing so as I write this post. Have all those songs and all those listens been a worthwhile use of my time? In a word, yes.

Christina Novelli is a relatively unknown singer from Hertfordshire, in the United Kingdom. As of now, she has quite a list of collaborations with others, and although she does not have an album, I am quite hopeful that she will come out with one in the future.

Novelli's voice is both powerful and clear, and mixed with the dance and techno tracks by collaborative artists like Gareth Emery and Craig Connelly, the result is something that for a music lover such as myself, is pretty near bliss.

The very first song that I heard was the collaboration with Gareth Emery on the track Concrete Angels, which is an amazing song in and of itself, but also has a creative music video, and yes, I pay attention to such things! Here is the video:

Another great song and video come from her collaboration with Craig Connelly on the track Black Hole, which again incorporates great visuals into the video, which helps tell the story of the song. Here is that video.

And because I really just want you to get the full sample, I shall now include one more video, which is not a video, but simply an image with music. Still, I recommend you give it a listen.

Well worth a listen, I cannot think of a better way to spend a few minutes of you time. Fair warning, however, a few minutes may look a little longer when you finally realize that you have been listening to songs for the better part of an hour. Still, the answer is yes. It's worth it.

Thanks for reading, and I will talk to you tomorrow.
- Digit

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Some Pictures about a Campus

Today, I had some time to walk around my local university and take some photos. I picked a few that I thought turned out rather well, and decided to share them with you. These are not edited at all, just straight from the camera, so I realize they could be better, but anyways, enjoy!

An emergency call station at dusk.

A Tree

A Rusty Railing by a dumpster.

A Flower on a bush.
Art Dept. Staircase.

Art Dept. Lockers.

I hope you have enjoyed these photos, and I will talk to you tomorrow! Thanks for reading,
- Digit

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

10 minutes

I was issued a challenge earlier today, to write a bad horror video game based story in 10 minutes. Well, here is the result. Enjoy!

Soda and Head Crabs

As I walked across the road, I saw something strange. Happily, I strolled, every day for six years. However, this time, something was amiss. There was some sort of pod that had seemingly been dropped from the sky, and inside and around the pod were some bizarre little creatures. They reminded me of headcrabs from half life, but that was clearly imposs… no, nope, they are actually head crabs, my neighbor Horton just got attacked. Oh, my, this is not good. Things took a turn just then, ok, will, i should run. Still, I could go for a soda, there is a vending machine around here somewhere.

I found it, a vending machine, but after I inserted my money, the machine dispensed an empty can. Strange, but I guess. . . OH MY GOD, ANOTHER HEAD CRAB!

Running, running and bloody, no idea what the blood is all about, I don't remember getting cut, oh, it is just grape juice, thank goodness, I guess I can take this shortcut, Ouch, now I really am bleeding! Those head crabs can’t smell blood can they? I dont think so. “Yesss, they can,” said the slender man, standing in the shadows. He is there every day between 4 PM and 6 PM. What he does, I do not know, but [he is a bit odd. He has nothing to do with the missing people. obviously, just thought I would point that out, you know, to clarify. Actually, now that I think about it…

Ok, better. I have escaped the head crabs for now. Could have been worse, obviously. Anyways, I really am bleeding pretty bad now, should find some help, but I might meet some more head crabs, better to just bleed out here, in this cozy dark depressing and slightly smelly alleyway, well, I have lived a good… Well, I have lived a life, so ...yah.

Death is better than one might think. There is a lot of juice, apple. orange, grape, OH NO, GRAPE! I AM STILL BLEEDING. Then out of nowhere, jumps a headcrab. Seriously, in heaven. I am dead, and I still have to deal with this. Seriously, I am dead.

Let me know what you think, and have a great day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


This will be a short blog post, as I am tired and slightly loopy. At any rate, I must post, so here goes. Today I was re introduced to a game called League of Legends. You have probably heard of this game, in some form or another, and I have had experience in the past, but have not played for several months.

Fear not, however, because I am now back in the thick of things, as it were. I am working at a tech/computer summer camp, and a group of staff and campers all got together and we played some LOL! It was a great deal of fun, and I realized how important people are while gaming, even when you might not think that.

So get out there gamers, and everyone for that matter, and keep building those human bridges.

Like I said, a super short post, but I hope you enjoyed reading it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Fire N Gold

Why do I listen to music so incessantly, day in and day out? No idea. That being said, I do tend to stumble across a neat video or a cool song from time to time. However, the place is usually YouTube or Pandora. This one is different. I was sitting in Starbucks, and this song played. In the back of my mind, I though that I had heard the song before. So, I did and one does on such occasion, and whipped out the amazing SoundHound app, which allowed me to search the song based on the melody, and, well to be honest I think there might be a little witchcraft involved, seriously, I have no idea how the app searches the music.

At any rate, I searched the song, and discovered that I had never in my life heard of the artist, Bea Miller, or the song, Fire N Gold. So, as dictated by the musical YouTube gods, I listened to the song about 5000 times, (not really, but you get the point,) and as such felt compelled to share it with all of you here on the Daily Digit. Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading,

- Digit

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I have recently been obsessed with the new album by Foxes. Why? I do not know. However I do know that this is an artist that, in my opinion, will go very far. For one, her style, while keeping with the somewhat traditional indie pop sound, tends to add a unique style that sets her music apart from the rest.

My first exposure to her music, much like most of America, was with her collaboration with Zedd on the track Clarity. A fan of the song, it did not get me all that excited about Foxes, and I spent about 2 months not giving her a second thought.

Then, I somehow stumbled across the music video for her single, Youth, and I was hooked. I love the way that her music is able to conjure up images of the things she is singing about. While watching the music video, I really was transported into the world that she had created, both with the song and the video.

After watching this video, I, as one does, watched all of the videos on the official Foxes VEVO channel, as well as way too many lyric and cover videos that I was able to scrounge up on the deep dark sections of the YouTube.

As I continued to explore her music, I realized that her combination of a unique style and a seemingly great personality (I also watched some interviews and such) I was a fan.

So I am writing this post to say that if you have not already, check out her music. You may just discover a new artist that is making some pretty great music.

Thanks for reading, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

- Digit

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Daily Digit! Wait What?

Hello all!

Welcome to the daily digit, a blog about anything and everything. My name is David, but here on the inter webs, I go by Digit. This blog is so that I can share my thoughts and opinions with all of you, and so that I have a place where I can further develop my writing and editorial ability. Note, I may have a slight bias and write mainly about music, video games and movies. Just saying.

Along with this blog, I have a Twitter account, a YouTube channel and a Twitch TV account where you can find me if I am not here. Many of these social media outlets are in their early stages of development, so check back in a month or so to see more content.

As the title implies, this is a daily blog, but every now and then, I may take a day or two off, but I will do my best to forewarn you about any absences that may occur.

Thank you in advance for giving this blog a moment of your time, and I will talk to you tomorrow!