Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Explanations and Excuses

Sitting in Starbucks, I realize that I am far, far behind on this blog. Why? I have no idea. Nor would I attempt to utilize half baked excuses that do little to right the wrong that is me not posting content to this blog. O.K, perhaps not quite so dramatic, however I do feel a sudden desire to post something here and to explain myself and my long absence.

As for the absence, I have begun the fall semester here at school, and, although exciting to think I will be graduating soon, the coursework and number of classes that I have to take in order to graduate when I want to is steadily growing. As such, things like this blog and my YouTube channel have, sadly, taken a back seat. Today, however, I am filled with optimism as I recently got A's on a paper and 2 exams, and realized that perhaps the semester is not all that bad, and I may, just may, have the time required to devote more of myself to endeavors such as the Daily Digit.

In addition, I have, for a long time now, wanted to share my love of all things media with the world through my YouTube channel, however because so mush of what I am interested in is intellectual property of people who are not me, the things that I am able to post on my channel are quite limited in that department. Because of that, I have decided to make this blog all about media, such as film, TV shows, music and the like, and my channel will be dedicated to design, software and educational things (like video tutorials,) as well as, of course, occasional random vlogs and videos.

As we move forward into the fall, I hope to become active once again both on this blog and my YouTube channel. Anything you would like to see either here or there is greatly welcomed as a suggestion, and I would love to hear your thoughts on what I should post here and make videos about over on YouTube.

Thank you all for sticking with me, and I hope to make the long wait for my return will worth the wait. Thanks, and I will talk to you soon.

- David

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