Friday, July 18, 2014

Christina Novelli

Oh, YouTube, you have a persistent need to introduce me to new and interesting artists. I am not faulting YouTube in any way, far from it, in fact. I am one who, lets be honest, tends to listen to music more than is really ever required, and my musical taste is really quite boundless. Yes, there are tracks by certain artists that I am less than fond of, but by and large, I love almost every kind of music.

Therefor, it should come as no surprise that when YouTube and other sites offer me suggested music or music videos to listen to or watch respectively, I jump at the opportunity to potentially discover a new favorite artists, or at least, to hear a song that I think, wow, that was worth it.

This time, however, I did not just listen and think, wow, that was worth it. I listened to several songs, several times, and am doing so as I write this post. Have all those songs and all those listens been a worthwhile use of my time? In a word, yes.

Christina Novelli is a relatively unknown singer from Hertfordshire, in the United Kingdom. As of now, she has quite a list of collaborations with others, and although she does not have an album, I am quite hopeful that she will come out with one in the future.

Novelli's voice is both powerful and clear, and mixed with the dance and techno tracks by collaborative artists like Gareth Emery and Craig Connelly, the result is something that for a music lover such as myself, is pretty near bliss.

The very first song that I heard was the collaboration with Gareth Emery on the track Concrete Angels, which is an amazing song in and of itself, but also has a creative music video, and yes, I pay attention to such things! Here is the video:

Another great song and video come from her collaboration with Craig Connelly on the track Black Hole, which again incorporates great visuals into the video, which helps tell the story of the song. Here is that video.

And because I really just want you to get the full sample, I shall now include one more video, which is not a video, but simply an image with music. Still, I recommend you give it a listen.

Well worth a listen, I cannot think of a better way to spend a few minutes of you time. Fair warning, however, a few minutes may look a little longer when you finally realize that you have been listening to songs for the better part of an hour. Still, the answer is yes. It's worth it.

Thanks for reading, and I will talk to you tomorrow.
- Digit

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