Thursday, July 24, 2014

Live Music

I know that in this world of perfection, we can often lose our appreciation for really good live music. I have been thinking a lot about this lately, as I myself have looked at different show tickets for some of my favorite artists and thought, "But that is so expensive, I can just listen to their album." But what is lost, you might ask, by listening to music solely on a digital disk or the internet?

This is a question that I have been asking myself recently. When listening to music on the web or in a polished, well produced medium, we hear exactly what the artist and production team want for us to hear, right? Well, yes, but we also lose the chance to see AND hear that song. Sometimes I wonder if the real experience IS to see that song preformed live. There is no false sense of perfection, and there is no disconnect between the artist and the listener. So, maybe the real experience is the live performance, and not the finished track.

I know that shows are expensive and that they require far more effort on your part to actually drive to a venue, find a parking space, actually get tickets, and all the rest that goes with a live show. But even that is part of the experience. That, I think, is the real difference. When listening to a song on a CD or YouTube, you get just that, a song, not an experience.

That is my thought process, anyways. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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